Thursday 11th June @ 1.30pm
All Children from Rainbow (Nursery 1) to Year 6
This year’s Sports Day will be held at Lenton Recreation Ground, Derby Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2DX on Thursday 11th June. Nursery races will start at 1.30pm so nursery parents please arrive in plenty of time.
If your child does not normally attend on a Thursday, they are more than welcome to come and join their class for the races. Please accompany your child to Lenton Recreation Ground to meet a member of staff at 1.25pm.
Please do come along and support the children in their races, you are always more than welcome – the more ‘encouragement’ on the finishing line, the more exciting the afternoon is for everyone! For those children, Year 1 to Year 6, who are in one of the four school houses, we are asking if parents could show their support by wearing clothing in their child’s house colour (Blue, Red, Green or Yellow).
Refreshments and snacks will be served during the afternoon by the Friends of St. Joseph’s – all offers of help and or donations will be gratefully received. A letter from them is attached outlining details.
All children from Nursery 1 to Year 6 will be participating in the afternoon’s events. Children from Reception to Year 6 should come to school in their P.E. kit and tracksuit. Rainbow, Sunflower and Pre-Prep children come in their normal clothes/uniform with plimsolls.
If it is a hot day children will need hats, sun cream and a bottle of water (labelled with their name).
Children in Nursery and Reception classes can be collected from their class teacher as soon as their races and field events are over (see programme on the day). Children from Year 1 to Year 6 are to remain in their house groups with their teachers until after the presentation of the trophy to the winning team. All children from Year 1 to Year 6 are expected to stay until after this presentation has taken place when they may then be collected from their class teachers.
The afternoon will finish at approximately 3.00pm. All children from Rainbow to Year 6 must be collected from Lenton Recreation Ground by 3.00pm.
In the event of inclement weather conditions no decision about cancellation will be made until 12.00 noon. Please look at our website or schoop as this is how we will inform parents.