At St Joseph’s we have an exciting social, sporting and charitable calendar throughout the whole year. Here is a list of just some of the events that you can expect your child to be involved in.
- Charity days such as the Macmillan Coffee morning, Comic relief, Children in Need and other charities identified by the children as needing our support.
- An annual ‘Prize Night’ including a spectacular performance from the whole school, showcasing their musical, dance and acting talents.
- Harvest Festival
- Termly masses held at St Barnabas Cathedral and other religious observance; celebrating the diversity of children and faiths across the school and nursery
- Weekly ‘Achievement Assemblies’ where we invite parents to join us online or in person in celebrating the children’s excellent work, good behaviour and all-round accomplishments.
- Educational weeks or projects such as Science Week, Book Week, art days or historical re-enactment days.
- An annual residential trip for our Junior children.
- Day trips to inspiring places such as museums, castles, parks, farms and so on for topic related inspirational experiences.
- Christmas Disco
- Summer fair
- PTA Film Nights
- Random Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar
- Infant and Nursery nativity or Christmas plays
- Annual Carol Concert held at St Barnabas Cathedral
- Easter Concert
- Singing in residential homes, shopping centres or other community spaces
- Annual Canning Circus lights switch on concert
- Quizzes and Inter-House Competitions
- Sports competitions both ‘Inter-House’ and against other schools. Matches range from football, cricket, rugby, netball, tennis, squash, dance and many more.
- Annual sports day
- Chess competitions
- Termly class assemblies