Pre-Prep Class
Welcome to the Pre Prep Class.
The children in this room are 3-4 years.
We have a large range of equipment and resources including small world, construction, a home corner, a sand/water tray and access the outdoor area.
The staff set the room up with activities each day and as the children have access to the resources they are able to adapt where necessary.
The children in the room follow a set daily routine which includes baking, apparatus, musical circle and the library.
We aim to develop positive values, self confidence and independence in order to the get children ready for school. During term time the children have access to the reception class and a reception class teacher. This again is a great benefit for those children approaching the age of 4 to take part in smaller groups focusing on phonics and maths and provides a smooth transition process to those children who join our school.
The children wear a summer and winter uniform in alignment with the school children.
Activities are planned and evaluated each month and the children are regularly observed so that their next stage of development can be planned for and encouraged.
All children have a designated key worker who is responsible for tracking the children's development under the early years framework. The children are assessed in the 7 following areas: PSED (personal, social and emotional development), CAL (communication and language), PD (physical development), L (literacy), M (maths), UTW (understanding of the world) and EAD (expressive arts and design).