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St Joseph's School and Nursery

Oaks (year 5 and year 6)

Our Learning

This term our Humanities topic is the Victorians. The children will be learning about Queen Victoria, Victorian schools, Dickensian London, local streets and local people.

In English they will be writing narratives, wanted posters, balanced arguments, discussions and newspaper articles linked to our class book, Wild Boy, by Rob Lloyd Jones. In Maths, we will be continuing to learn about multiplication and division, before moving onto fractions.

PE Details

PE days for Oaks are Monday and Wednesday.


Each week, the children will receive an activity linked to our current learning, reading and spellings. Information can be found on our Oaks Class Dojo page. 

Enrichment Activities

Each week the children have the opportunity to read with Breeze the labradoodle, as well as being able to attend a weekly dance club, recorder group and participate in weekly activities in their school houses. They also go on regular visits to the Central Library and receive specialist French, art and music lessons.